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The course will commence on August/ September every year or as direction by U.P. State Medical Faculty.

Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery(A.N.M.)

Duration : 2 Year

General Nursing & Medwifery.(G.N.M.)

Duration : 3 & half Year (6 month Intermship)

D.R.opt (Diploma in Refration & Optometry)

Duration : Two Year


1st Year

The student will have lectures in General Anatomy. General Physiology ocular Anatomy, Ocular Physiology, Optics, Computer Programming beside they will have to do practicals on utilization and dispencing of lenses in workshop and practice of refraction.

2nd Year

The student will have lectures in Disease of Eye , Mechanical Optics, Pharmacology,Pathology, Microbiology , Public Helth & Community Opthalmology and practical training in the following subject in the workshop/ O.P.D./ Eye ward and O.T.

1. The elementary knowledge of pathology ocular conditions, investingation to be done and ocular pharmacology in ophthalmic practices and in Pathology Deptt.

2. Mechanical optics and ophthalmic lenses manufacturing of lenses, face and frame measuring.

3. Refraction



Besides monthly test there will be a prefinal test before final examination every year. Student securing less than 50% marks separately in practical and theory may be detained to appear in final examination.